A California girl

I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls
(California girls/The Beach Boys)
大学のMajorはSociety and EnvironmentとSocial Welfare、MinorがGlobal Povertyとのこと。毎日最低でも5時間は勉強しないと授業についていけない、試験の時は12時間以上、大学内に図書館は全部で24あり、試験時は真夜中でも明け方でも全部満員となるのだそう。
With 40% of its student body being Asian, UC Berkeley is a microcosm of the growing influence of Asia in the world, a trend that is undeniable, just as the dominance of the United States and China is undeniable.
She said there's a high concentration of nerds at UC Berkeley.